Friday, March 16, 2012

Turkey Day Vacation

We got to spend Thanksgiving at the Knowles' up in Idaho Falls this year! Good times, as always :) There was everything to do with Thanksgiving: good food everywhere you looked, good fun with family, games, traditions, Black Friday shopping, and of course, a good ol' flu bug going around like the plague. With 15 adults and 18 kids it's bound to happen sooner or later! Regardless of the goomba, we had a GREAT time with everyone, and already can't wait for the reunion in July!!
On our way to the airport :)

Finally time for FOOD!!! hehe
Sarah and Hannah got to spend Thanksgiving with us!! They were planning on going back to Cali but there was "talk" of tons of snow, which of course never happened, but instead of risking it they came to IF for a few days :)Evan's older girl cousins ADORE him, and that's an understatement. They were such a big help, always wanting to hold him and play with him. Most of the time he was ok with it, lol. I was giving him a bath one day and they all came downstairs and took over :) They are so awesome.
The older cousins built a fort under the pool table and the boys played in there for forever!
April, Gina Lee, Kris and I went to Zumba at Steve's old high school, Hilcrest, like 5 times in the 9 days that we were there (soooo fun, I'm addicted!!), and we came across this painting that was on the wall that Steve had painted when he was like 13. Cool, huh!
Steve and his childhood buddies, Jesse and Devin :) They got together to play a game of Risk, and needless to say I didn't see Steve until that next morning, lol.
We of course had to meet up with the big boys and the wives and kids at Craigo's, or I guess it's Pizza Pie Cafe, now. Dumbest name ever! Still the best pizza EVER!!
The gathering for the Knowles' family tradition of the English Christmas Tree. It's a bunch of everyday, useful items that are put on the tree and each family takes a turn to pick something off the tree. Love it!

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